Goddess of the Sun


Queen of High Heaven , Mother of Mankind .

Heaven's Light


The sun , the stars , creation ,
the universe , war , fire , and agriculture .

Shines from Heaven

The sun itself , and one of the Three Precious Children , alongside Tsukuyomi and Susanoo , Amaterasu is considered one of the most beloved figures within Mythology , her Grand Shrine of Ise considered one of the religions holiest sites .Despite the elegant outward appearance , Amaterasu can be considered petty , especially when it comes to her siblings . A proud individual , Amaterasu enjoys praise , harbouring spite when things don't quite go her way . Intelligent and a fast learner , she can also be prone to sulking , almost childlike in her pouting . Ama has been known to be incredibly bloodthirsty in war , despite being a symbol of all that is good .Mythology can be found here

A light without Rival


Goddess Physiology:So long as Amaterasu is remembered by any living being , death will not touch her . Ama also has enhanced strength , speed and durability . Ama is eternally youthful and immune to human ailments .
Chi Manipulation and Empowerment:Ama can create, shape, and manipulate chi, a life-force energy that exists in all beings. By learning to harness this inner latent energy, they can gain superhuman capabilities and use them in cases of extreme combat .
Solar Physiology:Amaterasu is made up of or can transform her body completely into solar energy / substances .
Solar Manipulation / Empowerment:She can create , shape , and manipulate all aspects of sun , starting from its immense heat , luminosity , mass / gravitational field , magnetic field , to raw nuclear energy , winds /solar flares , geomagnetic storms , causing sunspot reactions , UV emissions and plant growth promotion , etc. Amaterasu becomes stronger , faster , more durable , etc. when she comes into contact with sunlight .
Solar Energy Absorption:She can absorb solar energy , while removing it from the source , into her body and use it in various ways .
Stellar / Celestial Manipulation and Empowerment:She can create , shape , and manipulate all aspects of stars . This includes Nova Manipulation and Light Manipulation (create , shape and manipulate visible light) . Ama can use magic to create , shape and manipulate the skies and cosmos with heavenly influence , including all the aspects of the astrological , divine , elemental , mythical and cosmic powers .
War Manipulation and Empowerment:The power to influence all forms of conflict including mental , physical , spiritual and conceptual ones , regardless of the area and numbers involved , control how they progress and draw power both from the conflict alone as well as the dying .
Immune to mind control and possessionAma's soul belongs to her alone , and rejects all forms of interference , as does her mind .
Fire Empowerment and Manipulation:Ama can create and utilise divine flames for whatever purpose she sees fit .
Black / White Hole Manipulation:She can create , shape and manipulate black / white holes .
Astronomical Object Manipulation and Empowerment:She can create , shape , and manipulate celestial / astronomical objects , such as comets , meteors , asteroids , planets , stars , constellations , moons , nebulas , galaxies , black holes , etc.
Regeneration:Even after complete destruction , Ama can slowly regenerate .
Bountiful Harvest:Blessing the land for successful crops , Ama ensures the land remains fertile and offers protection from pests .

“There is no Goddess better than me .”


° Composite portrayal of Amaterasu . Predominantly based on myth .° Intelligent , petty , spiteful and graceful . Amaterasu will not automatically be nice to those new in her presence .° Story driven account that welcomes anything from banter to plotted out SLs .° Mun is busy IRL , so please be patient and don't pester for replies .° NSFW and violent themes will occasionally be present .° Multi-ship . However shipping will only be considered once the characters have interacted and built chem . Canon chemistry doesn't cut it .° NSFW is strictly 18+ only . That stands for muse and mun . I do not accept aged up characters . This is also earnt via chemistry .° Random starters sent to DMs will be ignored .